Thursday, April 01, 2010

Sometimes it’s about the Spokane Night Scenes

I don’t know, but to me it is pretty simple. After the sun goes down, Spokane shines. Yep, that fact can be validated by just looking at what is really out there to view. A simple process… be sure.

In the past few days I got a request to feature Spokane Night Scenes images, in an online Spokane Magazine. I wasn’t exactly sure what the Magazine was, but I agreed to have some of my images featured on their Magazine website.

The Magazine is titled: RiverSpeak

I saw their effort this morning for the first time, and I looked at the images they chose for their online presentation. Those images were somewhat of a surprise, but it reminded me of each evening I was out shooting the images they chose. It just strikes me, that every location I visit will interest a variety of people (or not) differently. It, after all, is about the location and the actual scene that is present the night it gets captured. Maybe it has a special meaning to someone (or not), but capturing the Spokane Night Scene is what my process is all about.

I really think that we live in a beautiful place, and Spokane Night Scenes photography aims to capture as many locations as possible. Different seasons, different conditions, and different days and times. It all matters in showcasing some Spokane locations.

So, I am honored to have Spokane Night Scenes featured in RiverSpeak. It is the scene that matters, anyhow.

I might have skipped this part, but did I ever tell you, “it is fun?”

I hope you enjoy our community after dark. I sure do.


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