Tuesday, May 13, 2008

National Geographic picks up Spokane Night Scenes image

I got a surprise this morning, when my wife logged onto the National Geographic website, and she found one of my Spokane Night Scenes landscape images. I guess I do recall sending something to NatGeo some time ago, but I never looked back to see what might have happened with the image.

Ironically, the images that made their Landscape Gallery, was one of the images taken out of Spokane. A night image to be sure, but it was not a local one. It was not even a recent one, but an image taken in Spring/summer of 2006. (Canon 350D). I think at this time the lens was a kit lens, and the 350D was fairly new in the inventory.

I also noticed that NatGeo turned my landscape into a puzzle. I guess I’m not patient enough to do their puzzle, even though I know exactly where all the parts of the photo need to be. I’m probably going to pass on doing their puzzle, but its kinda fun to know they did that with my late night image.

That location was one of the darkest places I have been with the exception of Riverside State Park. I remember setting up and exposing for at least 5 minutes in CR2 + JPEG. I’d have to check the original file, but I think it was an F8, using a wireless remote for that camera.

So, today has already been an interesting day, and it is some reinforcement that night photography can be something that is recognized….in plain old “regular spots.”

National Geographic has my image at:


It is the eighth one over to the right, I think. Their puzzle part of my image is in a section called, artfully, “puzzles.”

If you have trouble with the National Geographic display of my image, it is located locally at:



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spokane - california at least your in the Nat / Geo.