Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Spokane Night Scenes, photography from the roof of the Bank of America building

Spokane Night Scenes, photography from the roof of the Bank of America building

I began discussing an arrangement to do a photo shoot on the Bank of America building in downtown Spokane, in May of 2011. I made an arrangement to get on the roof, with Ron White, who was VERY helpful in getting the materials to me for members of the photo team I would take up with me on the roof.

I met Ron in the Bank of America Lobby area, and after a glitch where one of my shooters did not show up, the rest of us all made the voyage to the top of the Bank of America building.

It was cold, breezy, and maybe I should emphasize the point, COLD. Parts of the roof on top of the BOA building began to freeze, even though it was still not dark yet..so we knew we were going to have a chilly photo shoot. Ron stayed on the roof with us for as long as he could, but the COLD got to him, and he returned to the interior of the building while the photog team stayed out on the roof. While we were out on the roof we were visited by Geese flying right by us, and the sound of crunching whenever somebody moved one of their feet on the increasingly frozen rooftop.

What a view, especially after it got dark. Yes, this is the tallest building in town, but the angles of adjacent buildings and targets were exceptional. All of the photogs shot until the appointed time for us to clear off of the roof area, and it was a great feeling to walk back into the interior of the building and make our way down to the security team checkpoint. Ron White gave us a splendid opportunity to see some amazing vantage points on top of the building.

There was NO daylight visit to this building, and this night visit was the only opportunity I had to view downtown Spokane.

Night visit, Spokane’s Bank of America rooftop in downtown Spokane.

A look at Riverpark Square Mall and the Monroe Street bridge, from the rooftop of the Bank of America building http://www.spokanenightscenes.com/amc20monroebridge.htm

The Washington Trust Bank, Davenport Hotel, and the Bing Crosby Theater in downtown Spokane, Washington http://www.spokanenightscenes.com/davenportcrosby.htm

The Lincoln building in downtown Spokane, Washington http://www.spokanenightscenes.com/lincbldg.htm

A northeast view from the rooftop of the Bank of America building. Spokane, Washington http://www.spokanenightscenes.com/ponb.htm

A view of the Bing Crosby Theater, from the rooftop of the Bank of America building. Spokane, Washington http://www.spokanenightscenes.com/bct.htm

A view of Spokane's Riverfront Park, from the rooftop of the Bank of America building. Spokane, Washington http://www.spokanenightscenes.com/rfpwash.htm

John D. Moore, CPP

Spokane Night Scenes


(O) 509 327 5627

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